Oh man! Already July

July 29, 2015 Jeph Polancos 2 Comments

Tick tock, tick tock. Where did the time go? My apologies for the long blogging break. Anyways, I’m back! In the desire to offer some kind of compensation, let me share a short tale of my move to Muscat, Oman. It’s been 3 months now since I’ve left the beautropical (just coined that term) city of Cebu. For practical reasons, I have to get back to Muscat. The upwelling of sappy sentiments following this decision have ranged from reminiscence, to excitement, to fear, to thrill, to stress. Although this life phase has happened to me many times – leaving Cebu for Oman (vice versa) – some kind of emotional surge was still inevitable. But I had as well managed to take it all in whilst soothed in the vision of being reunited with my parents and in the anticipation that the tasty authenticity of Middle-eastern cuisine can be again devoured. Talk about legit shawarma!
Upon touch down in Muscat and stepping out of the plane, I was welcomed by a rude surprise of intense dry heat that swept through my face as I wrinkled my nose and had my gaze narrowed into a squint. Thankfully though, I’ve adjusted to the local heat wave, fast forward to today.

Sunny stories aside, I must reveal that I actually seriously missed this place for so long that I already had a prepared lists of things to do, places to visit/revisit and stuff to eat. For the months that have passed, I was able to tick off some from the lists (both actual list and mental list).
My faith is up that this relocation is God’s will and perhaps this is the right place to be in at this point. On my next posts, I hope I can share with you pictures that show how beautiful Oman is. For now, let me leave you with this as I head out, walk around and feel the warmth of this place.


By the way, in case you have noticed, how do you like my new blog design? J

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